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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Lawn Turn Brown in the winter?

Your lawn is likely in “hibernation mode,” aka going dormant. This is normal and most likely nothing to be concerned about. During the Fall and Winter the low temperatures force the grass to store nutrients in the roots to survive. As the warming Spring weather takes hold the grass will come out of dormancy and release the stored nutrients back into the grass blades.

Help! Why are there so many weeds in my lawn during the fall and winter?!

Your lawn is most likely battling Winter Annuals such as Chickweed, Purple Deadnettle and also Roughstalk Bluegrass. These are cool-season weeds that grow fast when the chilly weather hits and, if left untreated, will leave unsightly bare spots and unhealthy turf when the warmer temps arrive.

It snowed, and now my lawn has brown spots. What's wrong?

Your lawn is most likely suffering from salt damage. De-icing salt can cause accidental damage to your lawn and other plants. Read this blog to learn easy ways to treat and prevent this type of damage:
How to Protect Your Lawn & Yard From Winter Salt Damage
How to Prepare Landscape & Trees For Winter

How do you get rid of Purple Deadnettle in your lawn without harming grass?

Purple Deadnettle is fairly easy to control with weed control applications or manual removal methods such as cutting or mowing.  The warming Spring weather will eventually cause them to wither and die off, but they will return in the Fall if not maintained and suppressed.

I want to level the grade of my lawn. Should the top soil be removed to prevent weeds coming through and vegetation from settling unevenly?

Changing the grade of your lawn can be tough and it is definitely going to require adding soil and then reseeding and managing the lawn after.  If you have a lot of weeds in the lawn already, unfortunately those seeds will remain deep in the ground. We recommend getting a proper seeding of the area and then following with a regular watering and mowing routine afterwards to keep those weeds from emerging again and to keep the new grass green and healthy.

Why is my boxwood turning brown at the tips?

If your boxwood shrubs are currently brown they likely have winter damage from the cold temps our area has been experiencing. The cold-nipped tissues can take many months to become obvious, so if the yellow leaves are appearing in the spring, don’t panic, unless they continue to spread. Warmer temps will be here soon, feed and water your bushes like normal to help them recover

Why are their slugs in my yard?

Slugs can be troublesome pests in your garden. Both eat large, ragged holes in the leaves of plants and may also completely consume young seedlings. They begin feeding early in the spring and continue through the growing season until the first frost. Removing bricks, boards, excessive mulch, plant thinning, and planting ground covers will reduce some of the habitats needed for shelter and reproduction for slugs.

Does your bedweed program include my flower beds?

Flower beds offer a home for pollinators (bees and butterflies) and provide curb appeal. The treatments we offer use non-selective products, which means they won’t just kill your weeds; they will also kill any other plants growing in that area, so we only treat mulch beds, rock beds, and other hardscapes.

I just planted grass seed and I have noticed that fungus has started growing on a tree stump we got rid of a while back. Can I put a fungicide down or will it hurt the new seedlings?

It would depend on the fungus you are seeing and fungicide you plan to use. Most products shouldn’t harm the germination of new seed but make sure you read the label fully and follow the instructions.

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